About E-Flick Chan

Meet, Toshiko Rin
会う, シコ リン

Why Waifu?

World has evolved. We wanted to create, more. We also love anime! That's where this waifu born! We want you to feel like your character is in the world with us.

Her Appearance

Rin has the appreance of a highschool girl with blonde-red hair and blue, sky-like eyes, and sharp teeth with derlined fangs. Futhermore, she has a dominant color of purple, which represents E-Flick.

Well it's all my idea, to create a waifu. Ritsukazed said it's impossible to do it, and so he doesn't do anything about it, so I made it possible. It's not an easy job to be honest, and it's my first time developing an anime character. I had to do it all: concept art, her traits, Japanese naming, editing. It took me a solid month to finish the project. The process was a lot of trial and error, but I think it's worth it!

I'm glad that everyone liked her design; she's so cute! And also, there were some people who asked if they could make her playable in my own game, which I thought was really cool. You know, I really have interest in making games myself, this is a very good idea in my opinion, but I'll need an illustrator for that (since I'm not really good at drawing). Perhaps Ritsukazed could make one in the future? Who knows? He took Visual Communication Design in major, and he loves drawing. Maybe he would like to draw a game character? That'd be great. I'd love to see him work on something like that.

- PixelGM

Rin's traits:
• Unpredictable
• Quick witted
• Caring and gentle
• Loyal to her best friends
• Loves cinnamon roll
• A bit shy at times
• Likes to wear oversized things
• Her hair is long and blonde

Rin is the research companion of PixelGM.

She's a tall girl with blond hair and blue eyes, and she wears a purple hoodie. Rin is cheerful and caring towards others, but she also has a dark side - she is quite violent when provoked. She's a capable fighter, and she's good with arms and gun fight. Rin's also high intellect, which helps her decipher complex puzzles.

Her main trait is being unpredictable. When she gets mad, she can get extremely violent, and she will resort to any means necessary to win the battle.

On the other hand, Rin is loyal to her friends, and will always do what needs to be done in order to help them. Even though she's a skilled warrior, she prefers to solve problems without violence if possible. However, if someone or something threatens her friends, then she will do whatever it takes to defend them.

The reason why Rin fights is because she wants to protect those she cares about. She won't let anyone harm the ones she loves. In the end, Rin is a kindhearted person who puts her friends before herself.

Meet the:


Concept Art:


Character Development:




Tools Used:
