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The Dragon

It's beast, fast, and precise.

The Color

Purple. The color of royalty, nobility, power, and strength.

Yeah, it's a dragon. It should be clear by now. So how do we make this thing again? We're did not make this without any meaning because we have no way of doing so! Dragon means, beast, fast, and precise. To me, it sounds like a demon and a monster. "Wait, why would you call it that?" Ritsukazed said. "Why would anyone call a dragon a demon or a monster?" That makes no sense to him. The word dragon has always been associated with good luck and prosperity.

And it's purple? Ah, purple, The color of the sky, the deep purple of a plum, the royal purple of a monarch butterfly's wings. In my mind I see it as a vibrant shade of lavender, a rich hue that makes me think of flowers and gardens and soft pillows on which to relax. The color of twilight in spring, when the world is drenched with light but no longer bathed by the sun. It reminds me of the wildflowers and grasses of early summer.

In reality, however, purple is not always so gentle or beautiful. Purple can be dark and ominous—the color of night skies, the color of storm clouds rolling in from the sea. The color of bruises and bloodstains and the afterglow of death.

I often wonder what my favorite colors say about who I am. Ritsukazed was always a green kind of boy, whereas Wrenix loved blue. If I could have chosen my own color as a child, I would have picked yellow, like flowers: cheerful, bright, optimistic. But then again, there are times when I prefer blue over anything else. Like now; like every other time I've been asked this question.

- PixelGM

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